I want to extend a BIG thank you to Pam at Pocketful of Centers and Carrie at the Common Core Classroom for giving me a new award!

I am enjoying blogging so much that getting awards from fellow bloggers is like icing on the cake...it just makes it better!
In order to accept the award I have to:
1. Thank who nominated you. (done)
2. Include a link back to who nominated you. (done)
3. Include the award image in your post. (done)
4. Give 7 random facts about yourself in your post. (see below)
5. Nominate 15 other bloggers for the award. (almost...just 4 short!)
6. When nominating, include a link back to their blog in your post. (done)
7. Let the bloggers you nominate know by leaving them a comment. (done)
So let's start with the seven random things about me:

The first love of my life was Bruce Sprinsteen, I was four years old when I saw his Born in the USA video and declared to everyone that he would be my husband one day!
I was one semester away from graduating Mars Hill College with a degree in communication when I finally opened my heart to my true calling. I switched my major, added 3 more semesters to my college career, and became a teacher within a year and a half of my epiphany!
I am a proud alumni sister of Sigma Alpha Chi. To this day (eleven years after graduation) some my sigma sisters are among my closest and dearest friends.
I was born in a tiny town called Pahokkee, Florida but grew up in the GORGEOUS blue ridge mountains of N.C. and am SUPER proud to call myself a Mountain Girl!
I have my own Jack and Jill! Jackson just turned 4 and Jillian is 18 months old. Being a mother is the most amazing blessing ever and I am so thankful for my two sweet bundles of joy!
I was named after Raggedy Ann!
This remains one of my favorite movies of all time!
I met my husband in a hip-hop dance club! Little Jon's song From the Window to the Wall was blasting and my husband says "the dance floor parted and there you were!" He was wearing a cowboy hat, cowboy boots and a horribly tacky belt buckle the size of his fist. All my friends tried to make me stay away because they thought he must be crazy. I just laughed and said "Awww...It's not like I'm gonna marry the guy!"
There you go, seven random things about me. That was kind of fun! Now on to the next step...
Here are my nominees:
Contrats on your award. Sorry things didn't work out with Bruce, but you seem to have done alright. I'm a new follower. Glad I found your blog.
I Teach. What's Your Super Power?
Thank you so much for nominating me! :) You are too sweet! I love your linky party idea for favorite songs! Can't wait to read everyone's choices! I am your newest follower!
Little Lovely Leaders
Thanks for entering my giveaway! :) Your blog is adorable. I'm your newest follower!
Elementary Adventure
Thanks for nominating me! It's my first blog award. :) I'm sure your summer is coming to a close. Happy New School year!
I just found your blog & I'm your newest follower!! I love your cute ideas. I am excited to follow along! :)
Learning Is Something to Treasure
Thank you for my award! I'm your newest follower!
I love the story about how you met your husband. So funny!
~Mrs. K. from The Teacher Garden Blog
Just found your blog & it is so cute!! Girls Just Want to Have Fun is one of my most favorite movies.I can quote it line for line (which is annoying..I know!). Anyway, found you through TBA Blog Hop, am a fellow first grade teacher & your newest follower. I'd love for you to stop by sometime! :)
First Grade Fairytales
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